Introduction to the Diagonal gate with code

Introduction to the Diagonal gate with code

In this tutorial we will explore how to implement the diagonal gate on IBM’s Quantum Computers with Qiskit.

This tutorial is an excerpt from our upcoming textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.

The diagonal gate a multi-qubit gate that operates on a qubit based upon diagonal entries in it’s matrix. The operation of the diagonal gate can be described using the following matrix:

Creating Qubit Permutations in Qiskit with Code

Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Then check out our Qiskit textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.


In this tutorial we will explore how to create qubit permutations on IBM’s quantum devices using the Permutation function in Qiskit.

What is a Qubit Permutation?

A qubit permutation is where qubit states are transferred to another qubit with the use of SWAP gates. For example consider 3 qubits. A permutation could be created where qubit 0 is mapped to qubit 1, qubit 1 is mapped to qubit 2 and qubit 2 is mapped to qubit 0.


In Qiskit qubit permutations can by added using the permutation function:

Permutation(num_qubits, pattern=None, seed=None)


  • num_qubits: is the number of qubits you want to permute

  • pattern: is your permutation order

  • seed: is the seed for the random permutation if no pattern is given

To create a permutation order the pattern has to be a list of ordered integers. For example consider we have 3 qubits our map could be [2,1,0].

This would mean that qubit 0 will be mapped to 2, qubit 1 will be mapped to qubit 1 and qubit 0 will be mapped to qubit 2.

Note that if you don’t include a pattern then the function will generate a random permutation. As such you can set the random seed.

The below code generates 2 examples. The first is an 8 qubit circuit that generates a permutation using the map [7,0,6,1,5,2,4,3].

This will map the following:

  • Qubit 0 to Qubit 7

  • Qubit 1 to Qubit 0

  • Qubit 2 to Qubit 6

  • Qubit 3 to Qubit 1

  • Qubit 4 to Qubit 5

  • Qubit 5 to Qubit 2

  • Qubit 6 to Qubit 4

  • Qubit 7 to Qubit 3

To see the permutation happen qubits 0-3 are initialised to 1 using a Pauli X gate.

The second example does not include an actual pattern. As such a random pattern is generated.

How to run the program

Copy and paste the code below in to a python file

  1. Enter your API token in the IBMQ.enable_account('Insert API token here') part

  2. Save and run


from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute,IBMQ
from qiskit.circuit.library import Permutation
from import job_monitor

IBMQ.enable_account('ENTER API Key HERE')
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q')

backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_qasm_simulator')

q = QuantumRegister(8, 'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(8, 'c')

########### PERMUTATION WITH PATTERN 7,0,6,1,5,2,4,3 
circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, c)


circuit += Permutation(num_qubits = 8, pattern = [7,0,6,1,5,2,4,3])

circuit.measure(q, c)

job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=100)

counts = job.result().get_counts()


circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, c)


circuit += Permutation(num_qubits = 8)

circuit.measure(q, c)

job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=100)

counts = job.result().get_counts()



Output of the code showing a randomly generated permutation circuit

Output of the code showing a randomly generated permutation circuit

How to implement quantum computing in software development

Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Then check out our Qiskit textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.


This guide will provide the basic steps needed to successfully implement quantum computing in to a software application that you are developing.

Step 1: Work out if your application requires quantum computing 

Despite quantum computing often being touted as the next big revolution in computing there are many problems where a classical computer can actually outperform a quantum computer. One good example is basic arithmetic. A computer can do arithmetic on the order of nanoseconds due to the fact that they have dedicated logic in the form of ALUs. Quantum computers however have no such dedicated hardware and are quite slow in comparison. Their power does not lay in speed but in the fact that they can make use of quantum parallelisation.  

In fact on specific quantum devices called annealing processors it is often better for the runtime to be as slow as possible since if the runtime is too fast the solution will be nonoptimal.

What types of problems can Quantum Computers solve?

Quantum computers tend to be able to solve problems that have a very high search space. For example, consider a database. Let's say you need to search a database for an entry. The worst case scenario for a classical computer is that it will have to go through the entire database to find the entry you wish to find. This corresponds to a computational complexity of O(N). 

However with quantum computing it is possible to solve such problems more efficiently and with less computational complexity. For example a quantum algorithm called Grover’s search algorithm can solve the problem in O(√N) time. 

See our Qiskit tutorial on Grover’s algorithm here:

Step 2: Find the right quantum device 

Now that we have worked out our application can benefit from quantum computing we now need to find the right device. The field of quantum computing is a burgeoning one and as such there have been many different advancements. As a result there have been many different quantum devices developed each with their own pros and cons. As such when developing an application it is important to know which device is best depending on the problem you wish to solve. 

Gate based Quantum Computing

The most popular type of quantum device is the gate based quantum computer. This is a quantum computer where operations are done on qubits using quantum logic gates. These logic gates are much like the logic gates found in classical computers but are more complex. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Hadamard Gate: This logic gate puts a qubit in to a superposition of states and is arguably the most important quantum logic gate 

  • Pauli gates: These are a set of gates that rotate the qubits state by 180 degrees on different axes. A X-gate rotates the state around the X axis while the Z-gate rotates around the Z axis. There’s also a Y-gate that rotates around the Y axis

  • Controlled NOT (CNOT): This is a multi qubit gate that operates on a qubit based upon the state of another. If the control qubit is 1 then the target qubits state will be flipped from 0 to 1 or vice versa

Gate based quantum computers are general purpose and such can be used for any problem that requires quantum parallelisation. For example factoring numbers using Shor’s algorithm or efficient search using Grover’s search algorithm. Machine learning can also be done using variational quantum circuits. 

There are many different hardware implementations of gate based quantum computing:

  1. Superconducting quantum devices: The most popular hardware implementation that use noisy quantum circuits with a qubit count ranging between 5 and 53 qubits. They also tend to have to be cooled using refrigeration.

  2. Trapped ion devices: These use trapped ions as qubits. These devices tend to have very high fidelity qubits with much higher coherence times but a lower qubit count compared to superconducting devices.

  3. Photon based devices: These use photons as qubits. These devices tend to have a high fidelity and fast gate operations and do not require refrigeration.

The best way to get in to gate based quantum computing is through the IBM Quantum Experience as IBM have made their superconducting devices open access:

To start programming gate based quantum devices the easiest way is to use Qiskit and Python. Qiskit is a library that allows you to create quantum circuits and run them on IBM’s quantum devices:

Quantum Annealers

This type of quantum computer is designed specifically for solving optimisation problems. For example the Travelling Salesman problem which corresponds to finding the most optimal route around a city. On quantum annealers this is done by first initializing the qubits into superposition. After this the qubits and connections between them are slowly tuned such that at the end of runtime the configuration corresponds to the optimal solution of interest. 

The easiest way to get in to quantum annealing is through D-Wave as they have made their annealers open access:

Picking a device based upon qubit/gate error

Another issue to look at when picking a quantum device is the issue relating to qubit and gate errors. For example superconducting quantum devices are very prone to noise which can lead to errors. These errors come in 3 types (bit flips, phase flips, and readout errors). These can be corrected using quantum error correction/mitigation methods however these may require additional qubits and gates in the quantum circuits. 

As such it is best to pick the best device based upon qubit error rates. For example one device may have low fidelity qubits that are prone to error while another may have very high fidelity qubits and as such a lower probability of errors occurring.

In qiskit qubit error rates for quantum devices can be found using the backend monitor:

2020-11-18 22_07_19-How to get real time information on IBM Quantum devices using backend_monitor — .png

See our tutorial here on how to get device information such as error rates in qiskit:

Step 3: Create a quantum algorithm to solve the problem 

After you have picked the right device to solve the problem you will have to create a quantum algorithm. In gate based quantum computers this could be a small circuit. For example if you wanted to create a 32 qubit random number generator you would simply create a quantum circuit that initialises 32 qubits into superposition using Hadamard gates. Then you would measure the qubits and the results would be brought back into your application. 

Obviously depending on your problem your quantum circuit may be way more complex. Your algorithm may even be hybrid and contain a classical part of the algorithm and a quantum part consisting of a circuit. Some may be variational quantum circuits where the state of the qubit is measured then reupdated each time based upon the problem of interest.

In your algorithm you should be making use of either superpositoning or entanglement. These are quantum mechanical effects that allow quantum computers to outperform classical computers. If your algorithm does not make use of either of these then there is a good chance your algorithm will not outperform its classical equivalent.

In gate based quantum computing this is easy to check. If your circuit uses Hadamard gates then it is using superpositioning. If your circuit creates bell states with Hadamard gates and multi qubit gates then it is using entanglement.

Circuit diagram of a bell pair consisting of a Hadamard gate and a CNOT gate. This is one of the simplest forms of entanglement

Circuit diagram of a bell pair consisting of a Hadamard gate and a CNOT gate. This is one of the simplest forms of entanglement

See our tutorials on how to implement quantum algorithms in Qiskit:

Step 4: Test the performance of your quantum algorithm 

A common mistake among developers is to create a quantum algorithm that seems to work but does not have a quantum advantage. A quantum advantage can be defined as when a quantum computer can solve a problem much faster than a classical computer. If your quantum algorithm can be beaten by a classical equivalent then there is no point even using your algorithm. 

As such it is very important that you test your quantum algorithm against a classical one. If your algorithm has lower performance then use the classical algorithm instead. An application that has a speedup from QC is excellent but if there is no speedup then it is simply a gimmick.

Quantum Error Correction: Shor code in Qiskit

Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Then check out our Qiskit textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.


In our last quantum error correction tutorials we looked at how to correct phase errors and bit flip errors. Each of these errors has a circuit that can be used to correct that particular error but not the other type. For example the bit flip code cannot correct phase errors and phase flip code cannot correct bit flip errors.

For more information on these error correction circuits take a look at our tutorials on them below:

Quantum Error Correction: Bit Flip Code in Qiskit:

Quantum Error Correction: Phase Flip Code in Qiskit:

However there is a specific error correction circuit known as the Shor code which can correct both phase flips as well as bit flip errors. In this tutorial we will explore what the Shor code is and how to implement it in Qiskit.

What is the Shor Code?

Circuit Diagram of the Shor Code

Circuit Diagram of the Shor Code

The Shor code is a 9 qubit circuit that requires 8 ancillary qubits to correct 1 qubit. For simplification we will call the 1st qubit that we want to correct the main qubit and the ancillary qubits 1 to 8. If you have seen our tutorials on the bit flip and phase flip circuit then the Shor code will look very familiar as it uses the same gates and ordering.

The Shor code works by first taking the computational state of the main qubit and transferring it to the 3rd and 6th qubit. These qubits are used for correcting phase errors. After this these qubits are put in to superposition using a Hadamard gate. Next the states of the main qubit as well as the 3rd, and 6th qubits use CNOT gates to transfer their states to ancillary qubits responsible for correcting bit flips. More specifically the main qubit transfers its state to the 1st and 2nd ancillary qubit. The 3rd transfers it state to the 4th and 5th. The 6th transfer its state to the 7th and 8th qubit.

After this a bit flip or phase flip may occur on the main qubit. in the diagram above this is denoted as E. Next the previous step is repeated. Toffoli gates are then applied to the main qubit as well as the 3rd and 6th qubit where the control qubits are the auxiliary qubits responsible for phase correction.

After this Hadamard gates are applied to the main qubit as well as the 3rd and 6th qubit to bring them out of superposition. Then CNOT gates are applied to the 3rd and 6th qubit where the control qubit is the main qubit. Finally a toffoli gate is applied to the main qubit which is controlled by the 3rd and 6th qubit.


Circuit diagram of Shor code with bit flip and phase flip error

Circuit diagram of Shor code with bit flip and phase flip error

In order to simulate a bit flip and phase error a Pauli-X gate and a Pauli-Z gate will be applied to the main qubit as seen in the circuit diagram above. The Pauli-X gate will simulate a bit flip while the Z gate will simulate a phase flip.

In the code below these simulated errors are implemented using the following:

circuit.x(q[0])#Bit flip error
circuit.z(q[0])#Phase flip error

How to run the program

  1. Copy and paste the code below in to a python file

  2. Enter your API token in the IBMQ.enable_account('Insert API token here') part

  3. Save and run


print('\nShor Code')

from qiskit import QuantumRegister
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute,IBMQ
from import job_monitor

IBMQ.enable_account(ENTER API KEY HERE')
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q')

backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_qasm_simulator')

q = QuantumRegister(1,'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(1,'c')

circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c)


####error here############
circuit.x(q[0])#Bit flip error
circuit.z(q[0])#Phase flip error




job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=1000)


counts = job.result().get_counts()

print("\n Uncorrected bit flip and phase error")

#####Shor code starts here ########
q = QuantumRegister(9,'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(1,'c')

circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c)[0],q[3])[0],q[6])



####error here############
circuit.x(q[0])#Bit flip error
circuit.z(q[0])#Phase flip error






circuit.draw(output='mpl',filename='shorcode.png') #Draws an image of the circuit

job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=1000)


counts = job.result().get_counts()

print("\nShor code with bit flip and phase error")


Output of the code. First part shows how a bit flip and phase flip have flipped the value to 1. Second part shows the Shor code has corrected the qubit flip to 0.

Output of the code. First part shows how a bit flip and phase flip have flipped the value to 1. Second part shows the Shor code has corrected the qubit flip to 0.

Matrix representations of quantum logic gates

Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Then check out our Qiskit textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.


This tutorial will introduce you to unitary matrices and how they are used for representing quantum logic gates.

Qubits and vectors

For qubits the computational basis (0 and 1) is represented by two ket vectors:

|0⟩ = 0 

|1⟩ = 1

These vectors can be represented as column vectors which are very useful as you will find later:



CodeCogsEqn (11).gif

How Matrices represent Quantum logic gates

Matrices are very powerful in quantum computing as they can be used to represent quantum logic gates.

For example the Pauli-X gate:

This is a single qubit gate that flips |0⟩ to |1⟩ and vice versa.

In matrix form it is represented as:

CodeCogsEqn (2).gif

Using this matrix we can use matrix multiplication to see how the Pauli-X gate operates on an input state.

For example if our input state is |1〉:


CodeCogsEqn (6).gif

We then multiply the column vector corresponding to |1〉by the Pauli-X matrix:

CodeCogsEqn (7).gif
CodeCogsEqn (10).gif

Which = |0〉which is correct as the X gate flips |1〉to |0〉and vice versa.

Likewise if our input state is |0〉:


CodeCogsEqn (11).gif

Then again multiply the Pauli-X matrix by the column vector corresponding to |0〉:

CodeCogsEqn (12).gif
CodeCogsEqn (13).gif

Which = |1〉

Matrix representation of the Z-gate

The Z-gate is a single qubit gate that flips the phase of the qubit such that |0〉is unchanged but |1〉is flipped to -|1〉

We have released a separate tutorial on the Z-gate in detail:

The identity matrix for the Z-gate is :

CodeCogsEqn (14).gif

Let’s see how the Z matrix transforms the state of |1〉:

Remember that the column vector for |1〉:

CodeCogsEqn (6).gif

We then multiply the column vector by the Z matrix:

CodeCogsEqn (19).gif
CodeCogsEqn (20).gif

Which = -|1〉

How to get real time information on IBM Quantum devices using backend_monitor

Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Then check out our Qiskit textbook Introduction to Quantum Computing with Qiskit.


In a previous tutorial we showed how you can get basic information on all quantum devices using backend_overview().

While this function is great to get information on all quantum devices at a glance it is not detailed on specific information such as qubit and gate errors. To get more detailed information on a quantum device (such as configuration and individual qubits and gates) you can use backend_monitor().


Unlike backend_overview() this is for getting information on a specific device so you have to pass the device name in to the function as an argument.

For example to get real time information on the IBMQ Burlngton device you enter the following:


and for another device like IBMQ Vigo:



  1. Copy and paste the code below in to a python file

  2. Enter your API token in the IBMQ.enable_account('Insert API token here') part

  3. Save and run


from qiskit import IBMQ from import backend_monitor  IBMQ.enable_account('ENTER API KEY HERE') # Insert your API token in to here provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q')  backend_monitor(provider.backends.ibmq_burlington) # Function to get all information back about a quantum  device    print('\nPress any key to close') input() 


After the code is ran you will be given a list of information about the device including the configuration and specific information on individual qubits and gates.

Screenshot showing the device information for the IBMQ Burlington quantum device.

Screenshot showing the device information for the IBMQ Burlington quantum device.